Building Cucumber BDD Framework from Scratch using Selenium and TestNG

Building BDD Framework from Scratch using Cucumber Selenium and TestNG | Mini Project

Cucumber is a popular open-source software testing tool that facilitates Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) practices. BDD is an approach to software development that emphasizes collaboration between developers, testers, and non-technical stakeholders to create a shared understanding of the desired behavior of a software system. Cucumber helps bridge the gap between technical and non-technical team members by using plain language specifications that are easily understandable by all parties involved.
Here's a brief introduction to the Cucumber BDD framework:

Feature Files:
In Cucumber, the behavior of the software is described using plain text files called "feature files." These files contain scenarios that outline different aspects of the software's behavior. Each scenario is a collection of steps written in a structured, human-readable format. Gherkin Syntax:
Cucumber uses Gherkin syntax to define the scenarios in feature files. Gherkin is a set of keywords and syntax rules that make it easy to write test scenarios in a natural language style. The basic syntax includes keywords like Given, When, Then, And, and But. These keywords help define the different steps in a scenario. Step Definitions:
The steps in the feature files are linked to corresponding automation code through step definitions. Step definitions are written in a programming language (such as Java, Ruby, Python, etc.) and define the actual actions that should be taken when each step is executed. Binding Steps and Code: Cucumber uses regular expressions or other patterns to match the steps in feature files to the appropriate step definitions. When a scenario is executed, Cucumber maps the steps in the feature file to the corresponding step definitions and executes the associated code. Test Execution:
Cucumber allows you to execute your scenarios against the actual application to test its behavior. It provides detailed and customizable test reports, which can help you identify which steps passed and which failed, making it easier to identify issues in your software. Data Tables and Scenario Outlines:
Cucumber supports using data tables and scenario outlines to provide different sets of input data for a single scenario. This makes it possible to test multiple variations of a scenario without duplicating the steps. Tags:
You can use tags to organize and categorize your scenarios. Tags are annotations you can apply to scenarios or feature files, making it easier to run specific sets of tests or to group related scenarios. Integration with Automation Tools: Cucumber can be integrated with various automation testing tools and frameworks, making it versatile for various testing needs. It can be integrated with tools like Selenium, Appium, JUnit, TestNG, etc., depending on the programming language you're using.
Cucumber promotes collaboration, clear communication, and a focus on the desired behavior of the software, rather than just the technical implementation. It's especially beneficial in Agile development environments where constant communication and quick feedback are crucial
Cucumber integration with Selenium

Cucumber can be integrated with Selenium, a popular web testing framework, to create an efficient and maintainable automated testing solution. Here's how you can use the Cucumber BDD framework in conjunction with Selenium:

  1. Setup Environment:

    • Install Java Development Kit (JDK) and set up the environment variables.
    • Set up your preferred Integrated Development Environment (IDE), like Eclipse or IntelliJ.
  2. Create a Maven Project:

    • Create a new Maven project in your chosen IDE. Maven helps manage dependencies and project structure.
  3. Add Dependencies:

    • In your pom.xml file (Maven's configuration file), add dependencies for Cucumber, Selenium, and any other required libraries.
  4. Create Feature Files:

    • Create feature files with scenarios in Gherkin syntax. These files will define the behavior you want to test.
  5. Write Step Definitions:

    • Create step definition files for the steps in your feature files. These step definitions should map Gherkin steps to actual Selenium automation code.
    • Implement the methods that perform actions using Selenium WebDriver, such as clicking buttons, filling forms, navigating pages, etc.
  6. Glue Code:

    • Cucumber relies on a "glue" layer to connect feature files with step definitions. Configure the location of your step definition files in the test runner.
  7. Run Tests:

    • Execute your tests by running the test runner class.
    • Cucumber will read the feature files, match steps to step definitions, and execute the corresponding Selenium automation code.

Here's an example of how a feature file, step definition, and Selenium code might look:


Feature File (Login.feature):

Feature: User Login Scenario: Successful login Given the user is on the login page When the user enters valid username and password And clicks the login button Then the user should be logged in

Step Definition (

import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; import; import; public class LoginSteps { WebDriver driver = // Initialize WebDriver (e.g., ChromeDriver) @Given("the user is on the login page") public void the_user_is_on_the_login_page() { driver.get(""); } @When("the user enters valid username and password") public void the_user_enters_valid_username_and_password() { WebElement usernameInput = driver.findElement("username")); WebElement passwordInput = driver.findElement("password")); usernameInput.sendKeys("your_username"); passwordInput.sendKeys("your_password"); } @When("clicks the login button") public void clicks_the_login_button() { WebElement loginButton = driver.findElement("loginButton"));; } @Then("the user should be logged in") public void the_user_should_be_logged_in() { // Perform assertions to verify login
success } }

This is a simplified example, but it should give you an idea of how to integrate Cucumber and Selenium for BDD testing. Keep in mind that you need to set up the WebDriver instance, handle browser lifecycle, manage assertions, and handle other testing aspects as required by your application.


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